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Thursday, August 25, 2005

A digression:

I am going to take a small break from my tale to talk to you about the simple pleasures in life. Keeping in mind these are very personal and you may have the same or completely different ones. Normally a day in the life just moves along, you are carried along by it because time will not stop for you and you don’t have much of a choice. Sometimes however, sporadically during your day, something will amuse you. Brighten your day. I had one such occurrence today and I thought I would share it with you. I am a smoker, yes I partake of the great white cylindrical death enhancer. The cancer stick. Thus far I will say the whole experience has been somewhat non-rewarding. It is a means of self destruction that takes entirely too long and leaves your clothes and fingers smelling poorly. I wish it would just hurry the fuck up and kill me already, but no such luck. Anyhow, I work in a building in Manhattan where there are several other smokers. One of them I see often and she smokes with me. Now normally we stand there and look at people walking by or stare into space. However today she decides to speak to me and she tells me a funny story. She says: “This guy starts talking to me in a bar last night, trying to pick me up and asking for my number. I asked him if he was married, he says ta me, ‘whats it maddah’ (she is a 4ft tall 50 something year old Italian woman, thus the phonetic spelling of some of her words.. for ambiance) so I sayz ta him, whaddaya mean whats it maddah? Where’s ya wife tonight?. He sayz ta me, ‘she’z at home with da kids’ I sayz ta him how do you know?” At this point I laugh outloud and award her several levels of respect. She told me that no more than 10 minutes after he gave up on her he was on his cell phone calling home. How funny is this? This pleases me. A simple pleasure but one that I felt the need to share. Ok, the story shall continue… back to my commute.

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