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Monday, June 18, 2007

Amusing Illusions of Strength

Hello bitches.

I feel the need to point something out to you that you may or may not have noticed in your comings and goings with people. I noticed this quality trait in a friend of mine whom with which I had a nice long phone call with this morning. He does not read my blog so will never know its about him. I think this truly interesting phenomena is prevalent in just about all people of a certain mental group, perhaps a genetic group, I don't know.

Ever notice how some people when talking about them self will constantly reference another person in their life and seemingly give enormous ammounts of credit to this other person? So much so that your first impression is "Whoa this person is in love and very devoted" But then... the person keeps bringing this reference up again and again, the same person, over and over again. Piling on more and more credit and praise until it gets to the point where you are almost sick of hearing about that person? What is that?! Here let me give you an example.

Joe: Dude, I got that new promotion.

Steve: No shit?! Gratz man! You rock.

Joe: Yeah, it' great. But I could not have done it without Heather, man, she was really there for me the whole time. She supported me and helped me through it.

Steve: uh... yeah, but you did it on your own and you should...

Joe: I mean, if it werent for her, I would be nothing, I would be homeless and desolate and wandering the streets completly devoid of a soul. She has saved my life man. I really love her.

Steve: ...

Joe: Dude, no one knows me like she does, she has stuck with me through thick and thin. She is the ground beneeth my feet, the wings on my back that carries me through this fucked up world and over the rocky ground of everyday life! She understands me, she loves me, she sticks with me no matter how fucked up I am or become. I owe it all to her.

Steve: Dude, get a grip.

Joe: She is my soul mate.

Steve: We can no longer be friends.

Joe: You just dont understand man...

Steve: No I do, I understand perfectly. You are pretty much a weak, souless individual with no free will or ability to make it in this world. All of your accomplishments are not your own, you are pathetic. Am I getting it right?

Joe: Fuck you dude, you don't know me. I am outta here.

Steve: Are you sure you made that decision on your own, or did Heather send you a telepathic message to help you get a spine and stand up for yourself? I mean I do not see any antenne on your head, how did you get to this resolution on your own? Wait.. did you actually make the decision to leave of your own free will? How did you do that? I am sure it was the support of your soul mate and love of your life that gave you the strength to decide this, right? You make me want to punch babies, get out of my sight.

Joe: ...

Steve: Wanna go get a drink?

Joe: Yeah.

Steve: Lovely weather we're having.

Joe: Yeah... thank Heather for that.

I think you get the point. You know this person, they are in your life, in fact they might be you. There is nothing wrong with someone in your life who is there to catch you when you fall, hell we all fall at one time or another. but give yourself some credit where credit is due. When it comes right down to it, we are all alone, even with the ones we love. Everything you are, everything you do, is a result of you doing something about it, others can not make you be the person you are. Be proud of yourself, take credit for what you have done. And do that someone special in your life a favor and DO NOT place so much responsibility on thier shoulders as good ole' Joe has done up above. Because when they fail you, as people inevitably do simply because they are human beings, you are going to crash hard. You are going to hit bottom and you may not ever get back up.. until someone else comes along you can blame all your success on.

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