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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Wake up.

Stop going about your daily life not looking around. Look the next person you pass on the street, or on the bus or passing you in the hall, right in the eye and look deeply, not just at the surface, and say hello.

Stop walking around outside without stopping and listening to everything, open your ears and hear everything. open your eyes and see everything, open your senses and breathe in deeply, WAKE UP! You have been dreaming for months, maybe years. Lulled to sleep by monotony and repition, and you are missing everything.

Hug someone. And when you do it feel them close. Ignore the clothing, ignore the people who may be around you. And let that person be the only person in your world for the next 10 seconds. Breathe them in, send your warmth into them, and touch their skin. You are lonely and sleeping. WAKE UP!

Do this... seriously. You won't regret it.

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