Cat Saga Continued:
I consider myself to be an attentive cat owner. I pet them, play with them, and feed and water them, as needed. Now you would think this would be enough to keep them happy and satified. You would think that they would appreciate all of the attention and care to the point of being fat lazy happy cats who only meow at you in order to praise you with thanks and contentment. This is not the case. No not even close to the case. Castor, the make cat, the smart one, he meows at me the second my feet hit the ground in the morning. Not just a friendly, happy, meow; more like a death threat. Its the deep Roooowr and staring you straight in the eyes kind of meow that tells me he is abso-fuckin-lutly displeased about something. Being the caretaker I am, I rush out of the bedroom and look at his box (clean), his water dispenser (full and clean), his food dish (half full but available nourishment present). So i dismiss it as perhaps he has bad gas? Or he is not happy with the way my hair was standing up when I first woke up. But he followes me to the kitchen while I try to pour my coffee, follows me into every room of the house throwing himself under my feet. Throwing himself in such a way that he resembles a football player trying to sack the quarterback. It is truly alarming behavior. I am left with the feeling that he is trying to get rid of me in a completly random household accident.
Cops would arrive and find me impaled on a broken cup of coffee and my cat standing on my chest meowing at me like I would be getting up soon to do his bidding. Most cats wont look you in the eye for any length of time, some wont do it at all. Its a respect thing. In nature it is a sign of dominance and ownership. This cat clearly believes he owns me because he WILL NOT look away, ever. He will wait till your eyes are dry and you are slamming the table with your fists in an attempt to take your mind off the fact that your eyes are drying up in their sockets and shriveling up and close to just dropping out.
Another recently discovered peculiar behavior of his is eating as much as he possibly can and vomiting it up in the middle of my hallway or living room, going back eating more and repeating the process as quickly as possible and then complaining to me that his bowl is empty. I know he is not sick, he is a strapping young healthy cat, he is energetic and has had all his shots. he definatly is not sick, but he most certainly is bulemic. Or perhaps he just does it so he can meow more at me, I dont know. Im looking at him right now, no shit, he is eating again.
You might be wondering what this little guy looks like, so I will provide a picture to help you visualize this. See? Looks like an angel, acts like a devil. He is indeed my cat. more to come.
Cops would arrive and find me impaled on a broken cup of coffee and my cat standing on my chest meowing at me like I would be getting up soon to do his bidding. Most cats wont look you in the eye for any length of time, some wont do it at all. Its a respect thing. In nature it is a sign of dominance and ownership. This cat clearly believes he owns me because he WILL NOT look away, ever. He will wait till your eyes are dry and you are slamming the table with your fists in an attempt to take your mind off the fact that your eyes are drying up in their sockets and shriveling up and close to just dropping out.
Another recently discovered peculiar behavior of his is eating as much as he possibly can and vomiting it up in the middle of my hallway or living room, going back eating more and repeating the process as quickly as possible and then complaining to me that his bowl is empty. I know he is not sick, he is a strapping young healthy cat, he is energetic and has had all his shots. he definatly is not sick, but he most certainly is bulemic. Or perhaps he just does it so he can meow more at me, I dont know. Im looking at him right now, no shit, he is eating again.
You might be wondering what this little guy looks like, so I will provide a picture to help you visualize this. See? Looks like an angel, acts like a devil. He is indeed my cat. more to come.
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