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Monday, June 25, 2007

Farewell Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1 has ended its show. While I am compelled to become horribly despondant, commit suicide by sticking my finger in a light socket and letting the birds pick my bones clean until people think I'm a windchime, I hang on. I can not let myself be so affected by the ending of a show. I must admit, the entertainment value of that show had me lulled into bliss and comfort for many years. I learned valuable lessons in life from it, laughed, cried and sat terrified at the plot twists and happenings it provided. The premise of the show was unique, the way in which the story expanded into greater issues and conflict, mirrored life. The characters were diverse and each had individual hurdles to jump and roadblocks to face yet they were one in facing them. I think I most connected with Dr. Daniel Jackson. I by no means place him as my favorite character, I loved them all, I just see his individual challenges closely reflect my own. I am sure if you were an avid watcher of that show you would have a character you most connected with as well. *sigh* I hate when a show ends that I have grown so close to. Like Six Feet Under and Sopranos. On to the next best thing I suppose, although Stargate SG-1 has set the bar so high, I do not know what could be better for me. Only time will tell.

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