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Friday, June 22, 2007

Your Minds Eye:

I wrote this for my lovely girlfriend many years ago:

Your face to me is a landscape, painted with the hair of angels for brushes, with the tears of gods for paint, and the wings of doves as the canvas. Your beautiful deep and inviting pools, those eyes... sirens to the soul they swallow me whole...

I am so lost in you, your maze of love. Your silken hair, spider wisps in the breeze.
Animated magic, the very action of your smile, calming me creating me anew, a child.

To know you exist is pleasure so intense it hurts. To know you exist away from me now is utter destruction. My goddess, how I love you, you are the heart, you beat the blood that I depend on, that keeps this perfect machine running.

Without you I am not even this thing, I am a psychotic bio cancer. But with you I am like wine, sweet and as flowing from heaven. I promise you my life, it is yours, I am yours... I'm your servant.

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